[18] Purity Ring, ‘Ungirthed’

Purity Ring

To quote the great philosopher and sage Aristotle, this is dubstep’s Sweet Female Attitude. A commercial repackaging then, except for it not fuelling any commerce. All that WUB WUB BRRRR has been coaxed into a cute little ditty that has something of the Sugarcubes if they’d locked Einar in a box like they always should have.

This year’s Björk and Bragi are Megan James and Corin Roddick, who come from Edmonton (Canada, not the Tottenham Ikea), and have some sort of shared history in fringed and floral electropop bands. James’s hiccuping vocals carve a bubbly tune out of Roddick’s popping electronics and it all has the icy clarity of Chairlift. And yeah, earlyish Björk. Lovely.

Junior claims to like it without much conviction but realises it “sounds like Daddy running in the snow and bumping his bum.” Again, lovely.